Your Gift Could Help Transfrom A Prisoner’s Life
A donation is supporting us to help prisoners turn away from their old ways and bring hope.
Every regular donation, no matter how big or small, ensures we can continue to visit and support those in prison.
How you can support us
Tira Tūhāhā Prison Chaplaincy Aotearoa
Kiwibank Limited
20 Customhouse Quay, Level 9, Wellington 6011
Please email Ann Cowan with details of your direct credit
and your address and contact details so we can send
you a Tax Receipt.
Charities Commission Registration Number: CC24724
Log in to your iPayroll employee kiosk and select “Make Donations”, or chat to your employer’s payroll team.

I was in prison and you came to visit me
Matthew 25:36

Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison.
Hebrews 13:3

© 2023 Tira Tūhāhā Prison Chaplaincy Aotearoa